Domestic and family violence causes considerable disruption to the lives of Australian families, with many affected seeking alternative accommodation; this puts them at an increased risk of falling into homelessness. The report, Domestic and family violence and homelessness 2011–12 to 2013–14, is the first of its kind to examine multiple years of homelessness data. The report describes the characteristics of clients of specialist homelessness services who sought assistance for domestic and family violence, the services requested, outcomes achieved, and unmet requests for services between 2011–12 and 2013–14.
- Cat. no: WEB 109
Around 520,000 Australians accessed SHS, with 36% seeking assistance due to DFV
Of all SHS clients, almost 150,000 females and just over 40,000 males indicated experiencing DFV
On average, DFV clients received more days of support (136 days) than other SHS clients (92 days)
3 in 10 men experiencing DFV identified mental health as a reason for seeking assistance