1800RESPECT contacts
1800RESPECT is Australia’s national telephone and online counselling and support service for people affected or at risk of family, domestic and sexual violence, their family and friends and frontline workers.
The visualisation below shows the number of contacts per year (telephone and web chats) answered by 1800RESPECT by gender and contact type.
1800RESPECT answered contacts by gender and type of contact, 2019-20 and 2020-21
Source data: 1800RESPECT contacts tables (51KB XLSX)
The visualisation below shows the number of contacts (telephone and web chats) answered by 1800RESPECT by relationship with perpetrator.
1800RESPECT answered contacts by relationship with perpetrator, 2020-21
Source data: 1800RESPECT contacts tables (51KB XLSX)
For more information see Data sources.
Australian Government Department of Social Services 2021 (unpublished data).