Data sources

ABS Personal Safety Survey (PSS)

First year: 2005

Latest year: 2016

Frequency: Every 4 years

Year in this publication: 2016

Methodology: Survey

Geographical coverage: National


The PSS collects information from women and men aged 18 and over about the nature and extent of violence experienced since the age of 15. Over 5,000 men and 15,000 women were included in the 2016 survey. The scope of the 2016 survey was persons aged 18 and over in private dwellings across Australia (excluding very remote areas). Interviews were conducted with one randomly selected person aged 18 or over. In this collection, data relating to sex is based on a survey where respondents were asked to identify household members as ‘male’ or ‘female’. If someone identified as a transgender or intersex person, the interviewer was instructed to ask the respondent to identify which sex the household member most closely identified as. If this could not be provided, the interviewer selected either male or female (alternating between them as they occurred).

ABS Recorded Crime – Victims

First year: 1993

Latest year: 2020

Frequency: Yearly

Years in this publication: 2010–2020

Methodology: Administrative data set

Geographical coverage: National, state/territory


ABS Recorded Crime—Victims presents statistics about victims of selected offences that came to the attention of, and were recorded by police during a 12-month reference period. Selected characteristics about the victim (including sex and age) or incident (including weapon use and location) are also presented, as well as the outcome of the police investigation at 30 days from the time of report. Information about the relationship of the offender to the victim and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander status of the victim is also presented for selected states and territories.

In this collection, data relating to sex is based on the details recorded by police for operational purposes and is not always recorded. Where the victim is a person, sex is recorded as ‘male’, ‘female’ or ‘Not stated/inadequately described’.

AIHW Child Protection National Minimum Data Set (CP NMDS)

First year: 2012-13

Latest year: 2020-21

Frequency: Annually           

Year in this publication: 2018-19 to 2020-21

Methodology: Administrative data set

Geographical coverage: National


The CP NMDS is an annual collection of information on child protection in Australia. It contains data on children who come into contact with State and Territory departments responsible for child protection. Information on child protection and family support services, including the characteristics of children who receive these services are available.

In this data collection, sex is recorded as ‘Male’, ‘Female’, ‘Intersex or indeterminate’ or ‘Not stated/inadequately described’. However, for reporting purposes, the terms ‘Boys’ and ‘Girls’ are used.

AIHW National Hospital Morbidity Database (NHMD)

First year: 1993–94

Latest year: 2019–20

Frequency: Yearly

Years in this publication: 2009–10 to 2019–20

Methodology: Administrative data set

Geographical coverage: National


The NHMD is a collection of episode-level records from admitted patient morbidity data collection systems in Australian hospitals. It is a comprehensive data set that has records for all episodes of admitted patient care from essentially all public and private hospitals in Australia.

A record is included for each separation, not for each patient, so patients who separated more than once in the year have more than one record in the NHMD.

In this collection, data relating to sex is based on hospital admissions records. Patients’ sex was recorded as ‘male’, ‘female’ or ‘other’.

AIHW Specialist Homelessness Services collection (SHSC)

First year: 2011–12 (annual reporting)

Latest year: 2020–21 (annual reporting)

Frequency: annual and quarterly reporting

Year in this publication: 2010–21 (annual reporting)

Methodology: Administrative data set

Geographical coverage: National


The SHSC obtains information about adults and children who seek assistance from specialist homelessness agencies. A person is classified as a ‘client’ once they receive services, and a ‘support period’ is the period a client receives assistance from a SHS agency. Data are collected on an ongoing basis and submitted to the AIHW on a monthly basis. Monthly data is publicly available for July 2017 onwards.

In this data collection, sex is recorded as ‘Male’, ‘Female’, or ‘Other’. The ‘Other’ response option was introduced on 1 July 2019.

Australian Institute of Criminology National Homicide Monitoring Program

First year: 1989–90

Latest year: 2019–20

Frequency: Yearly

Years in this publication: 1989–90 to 2019–20

Methodology: Administrative data set

Geographical coverage: National, state/territory


The National Homicide Monitoring Program (NHMP) collates national data on homicide incidents, victims and offenders drawing on state and territory police service offence records and the National Coronial Information System. The NHMP data are also cross-referenced and supplemented with additional material from court documents and media reports. The NHMP presents statistics on domestic homicides (homicides involving intimate partners and family) by a range of characteristics including relationship sub-classification, motive, preceding crime, victim and/or offender alcohol or drug use and victim cause of death.

In this collection data relating to sex is based on the detail in police and coronial records and is not always recorded. Sex is recorded as ‘male’, ‘female’ and ‘not stated or unknown’. Data presented refer to an individual’s sex characteristics rather than gender.

Department of Social Services – 1800RESPECT

First year: 2010

Latest year: 2021

Frequency: ongoing

Year in this publication: 2020

Methodology: Administrative data set

Geographical coverage: National


The Department of Social Services collects data on 1800RESPECT including number of contacts, type of contact (telephone and web chats) and user demographic information. Contact data includes every contact to the service, including hang-ups, pranks and wrong numbers.  With regards to gender, ‘Other’ includes people who do not identify as male or female, including intersex or people who choose not to disclose their gender. Not all contacts choose to disclose information. 

National Community Attitudes towards violence against Women Survey (NCAS)

First year: 1995

Latest year: 2017

Frequency: Every 4 years

Years in this publication: 2009–2017

Methodology: Survey

Geographical coverage: National


The NCAS is a survey of over 17,500 Australians aged 16 years and over about their:

  • knowledge of violence against women;
  • attitudes towards gender equality;
  • attitudes towards violence against women; and
  • intentions should they witness (or be bystanders to) abuse or disrespect towards women.

The questionnaire was initially developed on behalf of the Australian Government in 1995. The NCAS has been repeated every four years since 2009. The NCAS sample were randomly selected from across Australia.

In this collection, data relating to gender is based on a survey where respondents were asked what gender they identify with and responses were recorded as either ‘male’, ‘female’, ‘other’, or ‘chose not to answer’.

Services Australia customer data – Crisis payments

First year: 2015–16

Latest year: 2021–22

Frequency: ongoing

Year in this publication: 2015–16 to 2021–22

Methodology: Administrative data set

Geographical coverage: National


Services Australia collects data on Crisis Payments for people who are receiving, or eligible to receive, an income support or ABSTUDY Living Allowance, who have experienced changes to their living circumstances due to family and domestic violence and are in severe financial hardship. Data are collected on the number of claims granted and rejected, home situation (victim left home, victim remains in home, perpetrator left home), and the demographic details of the claimant.

In this collection, gender is recorded as ‘male’ or ‘female’.