PDF report table of contents
Preliminary pages: Acknowledgments; Abbreviations; Symbols
- Overview of NSHS respondents
- The social housing sector
- Housing policy
- Overview of 2016 NSHS methodology
1 Overall satisfaction
- Key demographic influences on overall satisfaction
- Overall satisfaction, by state and territory
- Overall satisfaction, by location (remoteness)
- Overall satisfaction, by dwelling condition
- Overall satisfaction, by dwelling utilisation
- Satisfaction, by Indigenous status
- Satisfaction, by need for assistance
2 Satisfaction with amenities
- Key demographic influences on satisfaction with amenities
- Satisfaction with amenities, by state and territory
- Satisfaction with amenities, by location (remoteness)
- Satisfaction with amenities, by Indigenous status
- Satisfaction with amenities, by need for assistance
3 Satisfaction with location (proximity to facilities and services)
- Key demographic influences on satisfaction with location
- Satisfaction with location, by state and territory
- Satisfaction with location, by remoteness
- Satisfaction with location, by Indigenous status
4 Satisfaction with day-to-day maintenance services
- Key demographic influences on satisfaction with day-to-day maintenance services
- Satisfaction with day-to-day maintenance services, by state and territory
- Satisfaction with day-to-day maintenance services, by location (remoteness)
- Satisfaction with day-to-day maintenance services, by Indigenous status
- Satisfaction with day-to-day maintenance services, by dwelling condition
- Satisfaction with day-to-day maintenance services, by dwelling utilisation
5 Satisfaction with emergency maintenance services
- Key demographic influences on satisfaction with emergency maintenance services
- Satisfaction with emergency maintenance services, by state and territory
- Satisfaction with emergency maintenance services, by location (remoteness)
- Satisfaction with emergency maintenance services, by Indigenous status
- Satisfaction with emergency maintenance services, by dwelling condition
- Satisfaction with emergency maintenance services, by dwelling utilisation
6 Perceived benefits of living in social housing
- Key demographic influences on perceived benefits of living in social housing
- Benefits of living in social housing, by state and territory
- Benefits of living in social housing, by location (remoteness)
- Benefits of living in social housing, by Indigenous status
7 Dwelling condition or standard
- Key demographic influences on perceived dwelling condition
- Dwelling condition or standard
- Dwelling condition or standard, by state and territory
- Dwelling condition, by location (remoteness)
- Dwelling condition, by Indigenous status
8 Dwelling utilisation
- Key demographic influences on perceived dwelling utilisation
- Dwelling utilisation
- Dwelling utilisation, by state and territory
- Dwelling utilisation, by location (remoteness)
- Dwelling utilisation, by Indigenous status
9 Use of community and health services
- Key demographic influences on the use of community and health services
- Assistance for social housing tenants
- Use of support services, by state and territory
- Use of support services, by location (remoteness)
- Use of support services, by Indigenous status
- Use of support services by labour force participation
- Use of support services by need for assistance
- Use of support services with assistance from housing providers
Appendix A: Survey and reporting methodology
- Survey scope
- Overview of methodological approach
- Survey and interview response rates
- 2016 NSHS sample representativeness
- Respondents versus households
- Weighting
- 2016 weighting strategy: mail-out survey
- 2016 weighting calculation: face-to-face survey
- Sampling variability
- Comparability with the 2014 questionnaire
Appendix B: Profile of 2016 NSHS respondents
End matter: Glossary; References; List of tables; List of figures; Related publications