Number and rate of optometrists

Measure 4.1
The number of employed optometrists, full-time equivalent (FTE) per 100,000 Australian population.

The size and location of the eye health workforce provides a broad indication of access to eye health services. FTE is a measure calculated by dividing an estimate of the total hours worked by employees in an occupation in a week by an estimate of the standard hours worked for optometrists (38 hours per week).

The number of FTE is then compared with the size of relevant population to get the FTE per 100,000 population. (Figure 52 and Figure 53)

Figure 52: Number and rate of optometrists, 2013 to 2021

Measure 4.1: The number of employed optometrists, full-time equivalent (FTE) per 100,000 Australian population.


Number and rate of optometrists, 2013 to 2021

Number and FTE per 100,000 persons, optometrists, 2013 to 2021

This dual axis combined vertical bar chart and scatter plot presents the number and FTE rate of optometrists, from 2013 to 2021. The chart shows that, between 2013 and 2021, the number and rate of optometrists has increased. In 2013 there were 4,219 employed optometrists (17 FTE per 100,000) and, by 2021, this had increased to 5,686 (19.4 FTE per 100,000).


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In 2021, there were around 5,700 optometrists employed in Australia (19 FTE per 100,000).

Figure 53: Number and rate of optometrists: interactive data

Number and rate of optometrists: interactive data


There are 3 separate charts for this measure, showing the number and rate of full-time equivalent (FTE) optometrist per 100,000 population, by various characteristics.


Number and FTE per 100,000 persons, optometrists, primary health network, 2021 (bar chart)

This dual axis combined horizontal bar chart and scatter plot presents the number and FTE rate of optometrists in 2021, by PHN. PHNs have been grouped by state and are ranked from highest to lowest FTE rate within each state grouping. In NSW the PHN with the highest rate of employed optometrists was Central and Eastern Sydney (28 FTE per 100,000). Murrumbidgee  had the lowest rate in NSW (13 FTE per 100,000). In Victoria the PHN with the highest rate of employed optometrists was North Western Melbourne (21.6 FTE per 100,000). South Eastern Melbourne had the lowest at 16.6 FTE per 100,000.


Number and FTE per 100,000 persons, optometrists by region, 2021

This dual axis combined vertical bar chart and scatter plot presents the number and FTE rate of optometrists in 2021, by remoteness. The chart shows that Major cities had the highest number (4,481) and rate (20.7 FTE per 100,000) of employed optometrists. This was followed by Inner regional areas (895, or 18 FTE per 100,000) and Outer regional areas (266, or 12.3 FTE per 100,000). The numbers and rates of optometrists were lowest in Remote and Very remote areas.


Number and FTE per 100,000 persons, optometrists, by jurisdiction, 2021

This dual axis combined vertical bar chart and scatter plot presents the number and FTE rate of optometrists in 2021, by jurisdiction. The chart shows that the Northern Territory had the lowest number (31, or 13 FTE per 100,000) of employed optometrists. New South Wales had the highest number (1,856) and rate (20 FTE per 100,000) of employed optometrists.


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In 2021, Major cities had the highest number (4,481) and rate (21 FTE per 100,000) of employed optometrists. This was followed by Inner regional areas (859, or 18 FTE per 100,000) and Outer regional areas (266, or 12 FTE per 100,000). The numbers and rates of optometrists were lowest in Remote and Very remote areas.