PDF report table of contents
Preliminary pages: Acknowledgments; Abbreviations; Symbols;
Snapshot of the health of Australia's prisoners
Section 1: Overview
- 1 Introduction
- 1.1 Background
- 1.2 Prisoner health services in Australia
- 1.3 The prison environment
- 1.4 Method
- 1.5 Report structure
- 2 Demographic information
- 2.1 Australia's prisoners
- 2.2 Prison entrants
- 2.3 Prison dischargees
- 2.4 Profiles of different prison populations
- 3 Socioeconomic factors
- 3.1 Cultural background
- 3.2 Detention history
- 3.3 Education level
- 3.4 Employment and government support
- 3.5 Homelessness
- 3.6 Family
Section 2: Mental health
- 4 Mental health before and whilein prison
- 4.1 Mental health history
- 4.2 Changes to mental health while in prison
- 4.3 Recent psychological distress
- 4.4 Mental health medication
- 4.5 Prison entrants referred to prison mental health services
- 5 Self-harm
- 5.1 Self-harm behaviour
- 5.2 Identification of self-harm or suicide risk
Section 3: Physical health
- 6 Communicable diseases
- 6.1 Sexually transmitted infection
- 6.2 Bloodborne viruses
- 6.3 Surveillance
- 6.4 Medication for hepatitis C
- 7 Chronic conditions
- 7.1 Asthma
- 7.2 Arthritis
- 7.3 Cardiovascular disease
- 7.4 Diabetes
- 7.5 Cancer
- 7.6 Comparison with the general community
- 8 Activity and weight changes among dischargees
- 9 Aspects of women's health
- 9.1 Pregnancies
- 9.2 Women's cancer screening
Section 4: Risky behaviours
- Appendix A: List of indicators
- Appendix B: Data quality statement-National Prisoner Health Data Collection
- Appendix C: Tables Appendix C to I (1.6MB PDF)
- Appendix D: Data sources
- Appendix E: Prisoner health services in Australia
- Appendix F: Key policy directions
- Appendix G: Prisoner health legislation in Australia
- Appendix H: Prisons in Australia
- Appendix I: Prisoner health data collection forms
End matter: Glossary; References; List of tables; List of figures