
An estimated 580,000 Australians aged 15 and over played cricket in 2021–22 (ASC, 2022). The image shows a cricket ball and bat.There were 1,000 injury hospitalisations attributed to cricket – 960 males and 64 females. For those aged 15 and over, the hospitalisation rate was about 155 per 100,000 participants.

The age-standardised rate of cricket injury hospitalisations increased between 2019–20 and 2020–21, but is now trending downward in 2021–22 (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Trend in cricket injury hospitalisations, by sex, 2012–13 to 2021–22

Line chart shows upward trend of hospitalisations from 2012–13 to 2013–14 before plateauing until 2016–17. A downward trend was observed to 2019–20.

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For more detail, see data tables B1–2.

The highest number of hospitalisations was in the 35–39 age group (Figure 2).

Figure 2: Age distribution of cricket injury hospitalisations, 2021–22

Bar chart shows that the highest number of hospitalisations in 2021–22 were between the age groups 10–14 and 40–44.

Source: AIHW NHMD.

For more detail, see data table A14.

Over half of the hospitalisations were fractures (56%) (Figure 3).

Figure 3: Top 5 injury hospitalisations from cricket, by type of injury as a proportion, 2021–22

Bar chart shows fractures, soft-tissue injuries, dislocations and open wounds as being the main types of injuries in 2021–22.

Note: Type of injury is derived from the principal diagnosis.
Source: AIHW NHMD.

For more detail, see data table A25.

There were 17 hospitalisations for concussion.

The main injury was to the hand or wrist in about 4 out of 10 cases (43%), and to the head or neck in about 2 in 10 cases (20%) (Figure 4).

Figure 4: Cricket injury hospitalisations, by principal body part injured, as a proportion, 2021–22

Diagram of human body shows percentage of body parts injured in hospitalisations in 2021–22. Ankle and feet contributed the least at 2% of cases.

1. Body part injured is derived from the principal diagnosis.
2. ‘Trunk’ includes thorax, abdomen, lower back, lumbar spine & pelvis.

Source: AIHW NHMD.

For more detail, see data table A26.

Sports equipment incidents, such as being hit by the ball, were the most common cause of injury (Figure 5).

Figure 5: Cause of injury as a proportion when specified, cricket injury hospitalisations, 2021–22

Bar chart shows sports equipment, falls, overexertion and contact with another person were the major cause of injuries in 2021–22.

Source: AIHW NHMD.

For more detail, see data table A27.