Technical notes

Data sources

Injury hospitalisations

A diagnosis of injury is defined as ICD-10-AM codes in the range S00–T75 or T79, using ‘Chapter 19 Injury, poisoning and certain other consequences of external causes’. A primary diagnosis of injury is when one of the specified codes is the first diagnosis code reported, while an additional diagnosis of injury is when one of the specified codes is reported but not as the first diagnosis.

A person may have more than one incident of injury resulting in hospitalisation in a financial year and each case of hospitalisation will be counted separately in this report. This is because we are counting incidents of injury resulting in hospitalisation, rather than the number of people who were hospitalised, in a given financial year. If a single incident led to an admission in more than one hospital, the incident has only been counted once. Therefore, counts of injury cases will be lower than the count of hospital records indicating injuries.