Cost recovery applies for AIHW data linkage services. Costs will vary, depending on the size and complexity of the project.

Standard linkage project costs normally range from $15,000 to $80,000 with an average of $50,000. More complex projects may exceed these costs.

Factors that impact the cost of linkage work include, but are not limited to:

  • the cohort size exceeds one million individuals, including control or comparison group
  • DISC creates the cohort or control/ comparison group
  • data provided to DISC requires substantial cleaning
  • the project includes data from states or territories
  • extraction of additional data after the data have been provided
  • linkage updates (new individuals are added to the cohort and content data extracted for the new individuals or the full cohort)
  • new dataset(s) are added to a previously linked cohort.

Requesting a quote

The AIHW Data Integration Services Centre (DISC) can provide a quote for prospective data linkage projects, including grant applications, on request.

To request a quote, you must complete a short feasibility questionnaire. The feasibility questionnaire collects information that will allow DISC to prepare a quote, and identify any potential technical, privacy or ethical issues that must be addressed. The questionnaire will be provided when you contact us for a quote.

It can take at least 3 weeks for DISC to issue a quote from when the completed feasibility questionnaire is submitted. Please ensure this timing is factored in when you reach out to us.

Feasibility questionnaire review fee

Due to the effort involved in reviewing a feasibility questionnaire and preparing a quote, this service is subject to cost recovery.

The standard fee schedule is provided in Table 1.

Table 1: Standard fee schedule – 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025
DatasetsFee (excluding GST)*
AIHW datasets only$641.00
Linkage of AIHW datasets with other data (for example, study cohorts, state-supplied data, clinical registers)$1,923.00

* Projects requiring additional support (for example, with complex legal, privacy, or technical issues) may be subject to additional fees.

Other costs

Please ensure that you account for other costs in your project, in addition to costs already included in this quotation process. These other costs may include:

Contact us

To request a quote, or if you have any questions about data linkage services, contact the AIHW Data Integration Services Centre via email at [email protected]