What do Australia’s health indicators show?
Indicators are simple statistics that summarise often complex issues. Australia’s health 2018 includes 41 indicators based on the Australian Health Performance Framework, reported across three domains (health status, determinants of health and the health system).
Health status |
Incidence of heart attacks |
Incidence of end-stage kidney disease |
Hospitalisation for injury and poisoning |
Severe or profound core activity limitation |
Incidence of selected cancers: Lung cancer Bowel cancer |
Life expectancy: Males Females |
Determinants of health |
Adults who are daily smokers |
Adults at risk of long-term harm from alcohol |
People who are overweight and obese |
Educational attainment |
Health system |
Immunisation rates (children): 1 year 2 years 5 years |
Potentially preventable hospitalisations |
Potentially avoidable deaths |
Waiting time for elective surgery |
Waiting time for emergency department care |
Favourable 10-year trend
Unfavourable 10-year trend
No change over 10 years
For more information on each indicator and to view detailed data see the online data visualisation tool.
Find out more: Chapter 1.4 ‘Indicators of Australia’s health’ in Australia’s health 2018.