

18 Sep 2019 - Excel data tables re-loaded following correction of spelling error that was discovered on the contents page. 


The authors and data analysts for this report were Heidi Dietz, James Pearce, Pearl Ng and Anne-Marie Waters. Valuable input was provided by Ashleigh Bennett and Rachel Burnett.

Contributions of Miriam Lum On in the development of methods and internal review process are gratefully acknowledged.

Valuable comments were received from Lynelle Moon, Richard Juckes, George Bodilsen and Fadwa Al-Yaman on the data analysis and presentation of results. Valuable comments received from Professor David Simmons and individuals of the Department of Health are also acknowledged.

This report was prepared under the guidance of the AIHW’s Diabetes Expert Advisory Group (DEAG), chaired by Professor Jonathan Shaw. Members of the DEAG at the time of preparation of the report were Professor Maria Craig, Research Associate Professor Wendy Davis, Professor Mark Harris, Adjunct Professor Greg Johnson, Associate Professor Glynis Ross and Professor Sophia Zoungas.

Funding from the Department of Health contributed to the production of this report.