Variation by socioeconomic status
The socioeconomic areas of usual residence are presented as quintiles (fifths). The lowest group represents the areas containing the 20% of the population with the most disadvantage and the highest group represents the areas containing the 20% of the population with the least disadvantage.
In 2017–18, close to 24% of ED presentations were reported for patients living in the lowest socioeconomic (most disadvantaged) areas, about 382 ED presentations per 1,000 people. The smallest number of ED presentations was reported for patients living in the highest (least disadvantaged) socioeconomic areas (14% of the total), with about 234 ED presentations per 1,000 people. Patients living in areas classified as being in the lowest two SES groups made up more than half of all non-urgent triage category presentations in EDs.
See Table 3.4 for caveat information on these data. Available to download in the data section.
Where to go for more information
See Appendix A for more information on remoteness area and socioeconomic status, and for an explanation of the triage categories.