Better understanding the health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mothers and babies informs efforts to ensure mothers and babies stay healthy through pregnancy and beyond. In 2020, there were 14,605 babies born to 14,384 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mothers in Australia. Explore the characteristics and health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mothers and their babies through interactive data visualisations, and in-depth information and trends on the antenatal period, labour and birth, and outcomes for babies at birth.
- Cat. no: PER 120
In 2020, there were 14,605 babies born to 14,384 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mothers
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mothers aged under 20 years has halved (from 22% in 2005 to 11% in 2020)
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mothers who smoked during pregnancy decreased from 51% in 2010 to 43% in 2020
In 2020, 87% of liveborn babies of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mothers had a healthy birthweight