
Existing sources of sports injury data vary in coverage, quality, and format. Before developing a fit-for-purpose national Asset, data collectors should be supported to expand, improve and standardise their data. This Strategy describes the foundational supports required to deliver a National Sport Injury Data Asset and ensure that value is delivered through analysis and publication of new sports injury data insights. This strategy will contribute to the National Sports Research Agenda (Australian Sports Commission, 2022).

To address these challenges, three pillars have been identified under the strategy:

  1. Sports injury data development
  2. Methodology development
  3. Sports injury surveillance and reporting

Sports injury data development

Data development will assist organisations to collect sports injury data using standardised methods and processes. This will provide data that could benefit sport organisations and participants while also contributing to the Asset and to the national understanding of sports injury.

A foundation for data development includes a framework to recommend best practice to collect useful data and help navigate data collection and use processes. The framework will provide a uniform reference for best practices for data collection, governance, consent, privacy, security, and data sharing. Best practice recommendations will be refined through consultation and collaboration involving the sports sector, other data providers and organisations, and experts in data and governance.

An updated data dictionary will support the collection of standard data elements suitable for the Asset.

Methodology development

Improved methods will be developed for data analysis and reporting, including those relating to the economics of sports injury and sports injury surveillance.

Sports injury surveillance and reporting

Sports injury data from a variety of sources will contribute to the Asset. The Asset will provide data on injury numbers, type, and cause in each sport, and help identify sports injury trends, and identify prevention priorities and how well prevention initiatives are working in the community. Data will be published periodically through the AIHW, and potentially other channels such as the Australian Sports Commission Clearinghouse to increase the reach of the data findings. Data providers and users will be consulted for input on interpretating findings, and where data require further development.