How long did patients stay in hospital before dying?
The average length of stay before dying in hospital was 10.6 days (see Box 1), compared with an average of 2.8 days spent in hospital for all separations.
In 2014–15, 9.0% (6,939) of deaths in hospitals were same-day separations. Same-day separations accounted for similar proportions of male and female deaths in hospitals (9.3% or 3,875 and 8.8% or 3,063, respectively).
A higher proportion of deaths in public hospitals were same-day separations compared with deaths in private hospitals (10.4% or 6,558 compared with 2.8% or 381) (Figure 17).
Figure 17: Proportion of deaths in hospitals by same-day/overnight status, by hospital sector, and by sex, 2014–15
Source: NHMD.
More than 91% of deaths in hospital (69,917) were for patients who stayed at least one night (overnight admissions).
In 2014–15, the average length of stay for deaths in hospital that were overnight admissions was 11.5 days, more than twice as long as the average length of stay for all overnight admissions (5.5 days)
In 2014–15, more than half (52%, 29,182) of patients who died in public hospitals that were overnight admissions were in hospital one to five days, compared with 37% (4,911) of patients who died in private hospitals (Figure 18).
Figure 18: Proportion of deaths in hospital (excluding same-day admissions) by length of stay in hospital and hospital sector, 2014–15
Source: NHMD.