Diagnosis and screening
Screening plays a very important preventative role in eye health as early detection and then treatment of eye problems, such as diabetic retinopathy and cataract, can prevent vision impairment and blindness. These measures provide information on the eye health diagnosis and screening services to assist in the monitoring of the adequacy of services provided to Indigenous people.
Measure 2.1
Eye health problems managed by GPs, by type of problem
Measure 2.2
Indigenous Australians who had an Indigenous health assessment (MBS item 715)
Measure 2.3
Eye examinations by an optometrist or ophthalmologist
Measure 2.4
Diabetic eye examination in the 12-month period for those who also had a diabetes test
Measure 2.5.1
Children in at-risk communities screened for trachoma
Measure 2.5.2
Adults in at-risk communities screened for trichiasis
Measure 2.6
Vision impairment or blindness among those who have not been diagnosed