Waiting times for elective cataract surgery (days)
Measure 3.6.2: The proportion of patients who completed their wait who had cataract surgery within 90 days, and the proportion treated within 365 days.
The waiting times measures provide an indication of access to cataract surgery for those on waiting lists managed by public hospitals.
- In 2016–17, the proportion of Indigenous Australians who had elective cataract surgery and were treated within 90 days was lower than the proportion of non-Indigenous Australians who were treated within this time (39% and 50%, respectively).
- The proportion of Indigenous Australians treated within 365 days for cataract surgery was also lower than the proportion of non-Indigenous Australians (96% and 98%, respectively).
- Between 2014–15 and 2016–17, the proportion of both Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians who were treated within 90 days, and the proportion treated within 365 days remained relatively stable.