Primary Health Network (PHN) comparisons
On this page:
Geographic information
This analysis is based on the postcode of the patient’s given mailing address. As a result, the data may not always reflect where the person actually lived – particularly for people who use PO boxes. This is likely to impact some areas more than others and will also have a generally greater impact on the accuracy of smaller geographic areas and more remote areas.
Latest data
In 2023:
- Darling Downs and West Moreton (Queensland) had the highest uptake of health checks, at 38% (14,100 patients).
- Northern Sydney had the lowest uptake of health checks, at 6.9% (320 patients).
Trends over time
Between 2018 and 2023:
- In over half of PHNs (17 out of 31), uptake of health checks was lower in 2023 than in the years prior to the pandemic.
- Murrumbidgee (New South Wales) has had a strong recovery in health check uptake, rising from 23% during the year from July 2021 to June 2022, to 32% in 2023 (3,500 patients to 5,100 in respective years).
Figure 3: Use of health checks among First Nations people, by Primary Health Network (PHN), by age group, by reference month, 2018 to 2023
A set of 5 interactive charts. Refer to table HC03 in data tables. A long description is available below.
A set of 5 interactive charts. The first is a bar graph showing the uptake of health checks, by PHN. The second is a map showing uptake, by PHN. The third is a column graph showing uptake by age, within a PHN. The fourth is a line graph showing trends, by PHN. The fifth is a line graph showing trends by age group, within a PHN. Refer to table HC03 in data tables.