Remoteness Area comparisons
On this page:
Geographic information
This analysis is based on the postcode of the patient’s given mailing address. As a result, the data may not always reflect where the person actually lived – particularly for people who use PO boxes. This is likely to impact some areas more than others and will also have a generally greater impact on the accuracy of smaller geographic areas and more remote areas.
Latest data
In 2023:
- Major cities had the second-lowest uptake of health checks, at 26% (91,600 patients).
- Inner regional areas had a health check uptake of 27% (61,800 patients).
- Outer regional areas had the highest uptake of health checks, at 35% (62,200 patients).
- Remote areas had a health check uptake of 30% (17,700 patients).
- Very remote areas had the lowest uptake of health checks, at 24% (23,900 patients).
Trends over time
Between 2018 and 2023:
- In all Remoteness Areas, the proportion of people who received a health check decreased following the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.
- In more recent years, uptake has trended upward, though uptake in Remote and Very remote areas has not recovered to the same degree as it has in Major cities and regional areas.
Figure 4: Use of health checks among First Nations people, by Remoteness Area, by reference month, 2018 to 2023
A set of 2 interactive charts. Refer to table HC04 in data tables. A long description is available below.
A set of 2 interactive charts. The first is a bar graph showing the uptake of health checks, by Remoteness Area. The second is a line graph showing trends, by Remoteness Area. Refer to table HC04 in data tables.