25 July 2024 – In Data tables: Data opportunities in perinatal mental health screening and web report Figure 2 on the Initial findings page, the label for combined years of data has been corrected from “2021 and 2022” to “2020 and 2021”.
29 April 2024 – In Excel data table Table 2: Percentage of mothers who gave birth in Queensland, Tasmania and the Australian Capital Territory with a recorded EPDS score who scored 13 or higher, by maternal and pregnancy characteristics, 2021 and 2022, updated maternal/pregnancy characteristic from ‘Previous pregnancies resulting in live birth’ to ‘Previous pregnancy resulting in stillbirth’ for groups ‘Had Previous stillbirth’ and ‘No previous stillbirth.’
This report has been prepared by the Maternal and Perinatal Health Unit at the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) and was made possible by the contribution of many AIHW subject matter experts and external stakeholders. This work has been funded by the Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care.
A large number of stakeholders provided valuable advice and input to the National Perinatal Data Collection and to this report, including the National Perinatal Data Development Committee, the National Maternity Data Development Project Advisory Group, the Perinatal Mental Health pilot Governance Committee, and the Perinatal Mental Health Jurisdictional Data Working Party.
For more information see State and territory perinatal collections.
The AIHW also acknowledges the time, effort and expertise of all maternity staff in collecting and providing the data for the National Perinatal Data Collection.