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The AIHW regularly reports on health and welfare issues and topics related to suicide and self-harm. Here you can find links to other AIHW releases relevant to suicide or self-harm.

Other AIHW releases about suicide and intentional self-harm
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Injury in AustraliaInjury is one of the major causes of hospitalisation and death in Australia. This web report presents data on hospitalised injury cases and injury deaths, and provides information on the major causes of injury and the impact on specific population groups.
Hospitalised injury in children and young people, 2017–18Adolescents aged 15–17 had the highest rate of intentional self-harm (396 cases per 100,000 population) among children and young people. The rate of intentional self-harm among female adolescents (658 per 100,000) was over 4 times that of male adolescents (147). The most common means of intentional self-harm for both female (86%) and male (82%) adolescents was intentional self-poisoning.

Australia’s health 2020: data insights

An overview of the policy context for intentional self-harm and suicide monitoring and an examination of existing national sources of data currently used for this purpose. It discusses the limitations of these data sources, current data gaps and potential new sources of data that may strengthen the evidence base. It discusses that collection of timely data on suicide and intentional self-harm is essential to establish the extent of the problem; to highlight trends and emerging areas of concern; to identify vulnerable populations; and to underpin appropriate targeting of prevention strategies and research.

Australia’s health snapshots

A brief summary on suicide and intentional self-harm.

Suicide and hospitalised self-harm in Australia: trends and analysis, 2014

This report describes suicide and hospitalised self-harm in Australia. Suicide occurring in 2010–11 is described statistically, and trends are shown for the period from the early 1920s. Patterns of suicide over time were also examined for selected birth cohorts. Hospitalised intentional self-harm in 2010–11 is also described, and trends are examined for the period from 1999–00. Both suicide and hospitalised intentional self-harm are analysed by mechanism of injury, sex, age group, Indigenous status and other factors.

Indigenous injury deaths 2011–12 to 2015–16

Over the 5-year period 2011–12 to 2015–16, 2,145 Indigenous Australians died as the result of an injury – an annual average of 429 deaths. The rate of death for Indigenous males was nearly double that for females. The rate of injury death for Indigenous Australians was nearly twice that of non-Indigenous Australians. The 3 most frequent external causes of death for Indigenous Australians were suicide, transport crashes and unintentional poisoning by pharmaceuticals.

Injury mortality and socioeconomic influence in Australia 2015–16

This report examined the associations between socioeconomic status (SES) and injury mortality in Australia and looked at the effects of SES on injury deaths by age group, by sex and by a selection of external causes of injury. Overall, there was a strong association between increasing socioeconomic disadvantage and the likelihood of injury. This association was most evident for transport crash deaths, unintentional poisoning deaths and male suicide deaths.

Trends in injury deaths, Australia, 1999–00 to 2016–17This report focuses on trends in injury deaths that occurred over the period 1999–00 to 2016–17. The age-standardised rate of injury deaths decreased from 55.4 to 47.2 deaths per 100,000 between 1999–00 and 2004–05 and has changed little after that. Rates for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people were generally at least twice as high as rates for non-Indigenous Australians over the period from 2001–02 to 2016–17.
Trends in hospitalised injury, Australia 2007–08 to 2016–17The rate of hospitalised injury cases in Australia increased over the last 10 years (2007–08 to 2016–17) by an average of 1% per year. The 2 main causes of hospitalised injury in 2016–17 were Falls (41%) and Transport crashes (12%). In 2016–17, there were more hospitalised injury cases among males at all ages up to 60–64 years; after that age, rates of injury hospitalisation for women were much higher.

National suicide monitoring of serving and ex-serving Australian Defence Force personnel

The National suicide monitoring of serving and ex-serving Australian Defence Force personnel online report provides annual updates to information on the level of suicide among serving and ex-serving ADF personnel.

Related AIHW topics
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Mental health services in Australia

Mental health services in Australia (MHSA) provides a picture of the national response of the health and welfare service system to the mental health care needs of Australians. MHSA is updated progressively throughout each year as data becomes available.

Life expectancy & deaths

By examining differences over time in the number of people that die and their cause of death we can gain insight into the impact of changes in behaviours, exposures, and social and environmental circumstances. See General Record of Incidence of Mortality (GRIM) books for data on long-term trends in causes of death, including death by suicide. The Mortality Over Regions and Time (MORT) books provide aggregate deaths statistics by geographical areas for the last 5 years.

Burden of disease

Burden of disease is a measure of the years of healthy life lost from living with, or dying from, disease and injury. Burden estimates for suicide and self-inflicted injuries are reported along with estimates for over 200 diseases and injuries, 17 disease groups and for selected population groups.

Australia’s Health Performance Framework

The Australian Health Performance Framework (AHPF) is a tool for reporting on the health of Australians, the performance of health care and the health system. Included in this framework are indicators that report on mortality due to suicide (Health status: Deaths) and injury


Information on Australia's hospital system. The MyHospitals national reporting platform allows users to explore information about their local hospital and Local Hospital Network (LHN), as well as trends across Australia.

Family, domestic and sexual violence

Reports and data on family, domestic and sexual violence.