NDIS participants pursuing interests Data dictionary


Outcome area Inclusive homes and communities
Priority Social inclusion and participation

Proportion of NDIS participants who spend free time doing activities that interest them.

Most recent data

2023–24, March quarter

Baseline data

2021–22, December quarter


NDIS participants aged 15–64.


Number of NDIS participants aged 15–64 who responded 'Yes' to 'Do you spend your free time doing activities that interest you?'.


Number of NDIS participants aged 15–64 who responded to the question 'Do you spend your free time doing activities that interest you?'.

Computation description

Number of NDIS participants aged 15–64 who spend their free time doing activities that interest them, divided by number of NDIS participants aged 15–64 who responded to the question 'Do you spend your free time doing activities that interest you?'.

Expressed as a percentage.


100 × (Numerator ÷ Denominator)

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