Social participation Data dictionary


Outcome area Inclusive homes and communities
Priority Social inclusion and participation

Proportion of people with disability who participated in a cultural, sport or social activity away from home in the last 12 months1.

Most recent data


Baseline data



People aged 5 and over with disability, living in households, excluding people who do not leave home.


Number of people with disability aged 5 and over who participated in a cultural, sport or social activity away from home in last 12 months.


Number of people with disability aged 5 and over, living in households, excluding people who do not leave home.

Computation description

The number of people aged 5 and over with disability living in households who participated in a cultural, sport or social activity away from home in last 12 months, divided by the number of people aged 5 and over with disability living in households who leave home.

Expressed as a percentage.


100 × (Numerator ÷ Denominator)

  1. The Strategy would like to see the following tracked – Proportion of people with disability actively involved in community, cultural, or religious groups in the past 12 months or have taken part in an activity they organised. Available data do not allow the exact measure listed by the Strategy to be tracked. Currently an alternative measure is reported.


Measure Social participation
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