How's the Strategy going?

The 7 outcome areas of the Strategy cover things that people with disability have said need to get better if Australia is to be more inclusive. To know if the Strategy is working and progress is being made in these areas, specific things are tracked – called measures.  

More about the Strategy

In July 2024, available data allowed 55 measures to be included on this site. Progress can be tracked for 25 of these measures.

View All measures 

Where do the data come from?

The reported data come from lots of different sources. Information is collected by Commonwealth, state and territory government departments and agencies as part of the services they provide. Other information is collected through surveys. For some of these sources, new data are available multiple times each year. For others, new data are only available once a year. Then there are some sources where it may be several years before new data can be provided – this tends to be where the data come from sources such as big national surveys.

Additional data will be added as it becomes available. This will be used to help keep track of:

  • what is happening for people with disability
  • what changes over time.

Other measures that require future data development will also be added when these developments are complete.

For more information about the data see About this site and About future data development.

See a list of what is being tracked with the latest available status of each measure – All measures.


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