Burden of disease in Australia

Use the interactive graphs to explore the number or rate of total burden (DALY), non-fatal burden (YLD) and fatal burden (YLL) in Australia by disease group, disease or injury for the most recent year (2022). Results for 2003, 2011, 2015 and 2018 are included for comparison.

For the first time the Study includes estimates of disease burden due to COVID-19, using data available at the time of analysis. This included data on deaths, cases and hospitalisations up until August 2022. Given the dynamic and ongoing nature of the COVID-19 pandemic, these estimates may be revised in the future as more data become available. For a discussion of results, refer to the Summary.

This interactive data visualisation gives an overview of burden of disease in Australia. There are 3 sections which can be customised to report data according to type of burden, year, sex, disease group and disease. The first section is a sentence which reports the total amount, age-standardised rate (per 1,000 population) and proportion of total burden for the selected type of burden, year, sex, disease group and disease. The second section is a column chart which reports the amount of burden by 5-year age groups for the selected type of burden, year, sex, disease group and disease. A line graph is superimposed on the column chart to show the crude rate of burden (per 1,000 population) by 5-year age groups. The third section is a tree map showing the amount of burden due to each disease and injury for the selected disease group. Each rectangle within the tree map represents a different disease or injury, is shaded according to the disease group it belongs to and is sized proportionately to the amount of burden the disease or injury caused.