Interactive data on disease burden

The following interactive data visualisations allow users to explore the data in more detail and filter/customise the data and figures to meet their information needs.

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What is included in the Australian Burden of Disease Study 2022 data visualisations?

The interactive data visualisations present estimates of total burden (DALY), non-fatal burden (YLD), fatal burden (YLL) and health adjusted life-expectancy (HALE) in Australia for 2003, 2011, 2015, 2018 and 2022.

The following interactive data visualisations are included:

Data visualisations from previous Australian Burden of Disease Studies

Previous Australian Burden of Disease Studies have estimated burden of disease at a subnational level (by state and territory, remoteness area and socioeconomic group) and the contribution of certain risk factors to disease burden. The latest subnational and risk factor data were published in the Australian Burden of Disease Study: impact and causes of illness and death in Australia 2018 report. Data visualisations presenting these results can be found at the links below.