Medical facility accessibility Data dictionary


Outcome area Health and wellbeing
Priority Prevention and early intervention

Proportion of people with disability with difficulty accessing medical facilities (GP, dentist, hospital).

Most recent data


Baseline data



People with disability aged 5 and over living in households, who leave home and need assistance or have difficulty with communication with someone they do not know because of disability or need assistance or have difficulty with mobility because of disability.


Number of people with disability aged 5 and over living in households, who had difficulty accessing medical facilities (GP, dentist, hospital) in the last 12 months.


Number of people with disability aged 5 and over living in households, who leave home and need assistance or have difficulty with communication with someone they do not know because of disability or need assistance or have difficulty with mobility because of disability.

Computation description

Number of people with disability aged 5 and over, living in households, who had difficulty accessing medical facilities (GP, dentist, hospital) in the last 12 months, divided by number of people with disability aged 5 and over, living in households, and need assistance or have difficulty with communication with someone they do not know because of disability or need assistance or have difficulty with mobility because of disability.

Expressed as a percentage.


100 × (Numerator ÷ Denominator)

  1. Difficulty accessing facilities is restricted to physical and communication accessibility.
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