Discrimination complaints resolved Data dictionary


Outcome area Safety, rights and justice
Priority Rights are protected and upheld

Proportion of complaints related to disability discrimination lodged with the Australian Human Rights Commission that are successfully resolved by conciliation1.

Most recent data


Baseline data



Complaints related to disability discrimination lodged with the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) for which conciliation was attempted.


Complaints successfully resolved by conciliation.


Complaints attempted to be resolved by conciliation.

Computation description

Number of complaints related to disability discrimination lodged with the AHRC that were successfully resolved by conciliation, divided by the total number of complaints attempted to be resolved by conciliation.

Expressed as a percentage.


100 × (Numerator ÷ Denominator)

  1. The Strategy would like to see the following tracked – Proportion of complaints related to disability discrimination lodged with the Australian Human Rights Commission or state and territory bodies that are investigated and resolved. Differences between the national Disability Discrimination Act, and the states and territory acts relating to disability discrimination mean that available data do not allow the intended measure to be tracked. Currently an alternative measure is reported.
  2. The reported measure only captures the proportion of disability discrimination complaints successfully resolved by conciliation.
  3. For years 2015–16 through 2018–19, proportions reported here differ to those included in the Australian Human Rights Commissions (AHRC) annual complaints statistics publications. For these years, the data reported by the AHRC also captured matters that were finalised on alternative grounds (such as ‘withdrawn’) after attempted, unsuccessful conciliation processes.
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