Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) – Business Systems


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The Australian Human Rights Commission is an independent statutory organisation, established by an act of Federal Parliament, to protect and promote human rights in Australia and internationally.


Disability, in relation to a person, means:

  • total or partial loss of the person’s bodily or mental functions; or
  • total or partial loss of a part of the body; or
  • the presence in the body of organisms causing disease or illness; or
  • the presence in the body of organisms capable of causing disease or illness; or
  • the malfunction, malformation or disfigurement of a part of the person’s body; or
  • a disorder or malfunction that results in the person learning differently from a person without the disorder or malfunction; or
  • a disorder, illness or disease that affects a person’s thought processes, perception of reality, emotions or judgment or that results in disturbed behaviour;

and includes a disability that:

  • presently exists; or
  • previously existed but no longer exists; or
  • may exist in the future (including because of a genetic predisposition to that disability); or
  • is imputed to a person.
Disability types

Based on the Disability Discrimination Act and includes: physical, intellectual, psychiatric, sensory, neurological and learning disabilities, physical disfigurement and the presence in the body of disease-causing organisms, which a person may have now, have had in the past, may have in the future or are believed to have.

Measures reported