This content contains information some readers may find distressing as it refers to information about family, domestic and sexual violence. If the information presented raises any issues for you, or someone you know, contact 1800RESPECT on 1800 737 732. See also Find support for a list of support services.

Family, domestic and sexual violence Home


The development of this website was funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services.

We would like to acknowledge the serious impact and huge burden that family, domestic and sexual violence has on communities, especially women and children. It can inflict physical injury, psychological trauma and emotional suffering. These effects can last a lifetime and can affect future generations. By bringing together various data sources, we aim to build a more coherent picture of family, domestic and sexual violence in Australia and strengthen the evidence base available to everyone. This information will help to inform government policies and plans and also assist in the planning and delivery of violence prevention and intervention programs.

We gratefully acknowledge the expertise contributed by people with lived experience, obtained through the University of Melbourne’s WEAVERs (Women and their children who have Experienced Abuse and ViolEnce: Researchers and advisors) Co-Design team. This expertise has been valuable throughout different stages of the project and it includes the written contributions on this site, which deepen our understanding of certain topics and complement the quantitative data.

We gratefully acknowledge the expert advice provided by the AIHW FDSV Advisory group, whose members are:

  • Ms Susan Sancbergs, Australian Government Department of Social Services
  • Ms Lucy Carlsen, Australian Government Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet (Office for Women)
  • Dr Hayley Boxall, Australian Institute of Criminology
  • Dr Chris Dowling, Australian Institute of Criminology
  • Dr Lixia Qu, Australian Institute of Family Studies
  • Assoc Prof. Michael Salter, Academic expertise, University of NSW
  • Mr Will Milne, Australian Bureau of Statistics
  • Dr Nicole Weeks, Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety (ANROWS)
  • Ms Teresa McMichael, Attorney-General’s Department
  • Ms Ursula Carolyn, National Indigenous Australians Agency
  • Prof. Donna Chung, Curtin University
  • Prof. Kelsey Hegarty, University of Melbourne
  • Ms Katherine Berney, National Women’s Safety Alliance
  • Ms Rebekah Kilpatrick, National Office for Child Safety, Attorney-General’s Department
  • Ms Anne Hollonds, Australian Human Rights Commission
  • Commissioner Micaela Cronin, Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence Commission.

The contributions of data custodians and other expert reviewers are also acknowledged.

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