People who experienced intimate partner violence
Technical specifications for National Plan Outcomes
Sub-outcome |
3.3 People have equal, healthy, and respectful relationships. |
Indicator |
Decreased prevalence of violence and abuse in family and domestic relationships. |
Measure |
Proportion of people who experienced intimate partner violence in the last 12 months. |
Interpretation |
A decrease in the prevalence of violence by an intimate partner over time will indicate that people are choosing to use less or no violence. Prevalence data relate to the number of people who have experienced violence, not the number of people who have perpetrated violence, or the severity or frequency of violence in an intimate relationship. |
Baseline data |
2021–22 |
Numerator |
The number of people who have experienced violence from an intimate partner in the last 12 months. |
Numerator data elements |
Data element: Person—experienced violence |
Denominator |
People aged 18 years and over. |
Denominator data elements |
Data element : Person |
Computation description |
This measure is the number of people who have experienced violence from an intimate partner expressed as a percentage of people aged 18 years and over. |
Computation |
100 x (Numerator/Denominator) |
Disaggregation |
For each reference period, nationally, by:
Notes |
Intimate partner includes current partner (living with), previous partner (has lived with), boyfriend/girlfriend/date and ex-boyfriend/ex-girlfriend (never lived with). |
Limitations |
For some population groups, numbers may be too small to be reported on separately. |
Source name | ABS Personal Safety Survey |
Measure | People who experienced intimate partner violence |
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