People who would intervene if bothered by a friend telling a sexist joke

Technical specifications for National Plan Outcomes



3.5 People actively challenge attitudes and behaviours that enable violence including gendered stereotypes and norms, cisgenderism and heteronormativity.


Increased bystander willingness to challenge attitudes and behaviours that involve harmful gendered stereotypes.


Proportion of people who intended to intervene if bothered by a friend telling a sexist joke.


An increase in the proportion of people who would be willing to intervene when a friend told a sexist joke indicates a greater understanding of the importance of the community’s role in stopping violence.

The intention for including this measure is to continue monitoring people’s confidence in taking action against violence, and to ensure that it does not decrease over time.

Baseline data



The number of people who said they would intervene if they were bothered by a friend telling a sexist joke.

Numerator data elements

Data element: Person—attitudes
Data source: NCAS
Data source type: Survey


Number of people who would be bothered by a friend telling a sexist joke.

Denominator data elements

Data element: Person
Data source: NCAS
Data source type: Survey

Computation description

This measure is the number of people who would intervene if a friend told a sexist joke, expressed as a percentage of those who said they would be bothered by their friend telling a sexist joke.


100 x (Numerator/Denominator)


For each reference period, nationally, by: 

  • state and territory
  • gender 
  • age
  • disability status
  • sexuality
  • remoteness.

The bystander items in 2021 focused on the same two scenarios included in 2017, asking about respondents’ reactions if they were to witness a male friend telling a sexist joke (Friend sexist joke). 
If a respondent answered that they would be bothered, then they were asked a follow up question about whether they would intervene, either publicly or privately.


For some population groups, numbers may be too small to be reported on separately.

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