People who would intervene if they witnessed disrespect or abuse

Technical specifications for National Plan Outcomes



3.2 People know how to safely respond or seek support when they witness or experience gender-based violence.


Increased by-stander willingness to intervene with GBV or other types of harmful behaviour.


Proportion of people who say they would intervene if they witnessed disrespect or abuse.


An increase in the proportion of people who would be willing to intervene when witnessing disrespect and abuse indicates a greater understanding of the importance of the community’s role in stopping violence. 
There is little room for improvement in this measure. At the baseline, a large proportion of respondents said they would intervene. The intention for including this measure is to continue monitoring people’s willingness to take action, and to ensure that it does not decrease over time.

Baseline data



The number of people who would disapprove through private or public disapproval, if they witnessed a male friend insulting or verbally abusing a woman he is in a relationship with.

Numerator data elements

Data element : People—prosocial response
Data source: NCAS
Data source type: Survey


The number of people who said they would be ‘bothered’ by the scenario.

Denominator data elements

Data element : People—bothered by scenario
Data source: NCAS
Data source type: Survey

Computation description

The number of people who say they would take bystander actions if they were out with some friends and a male friend insulted or verbally abused a woman he was in a relationship with. 

This measure is expressed as a proportion of the number of people who said they would be bothered by the particular scenario. 


100 x (Numerator/Denominator)


For each reference period, nationally, by: 

  • state and territory
  • gender
  • age
  • sexuality
  • disability status
  • remoteness.

The NCAS sample consists of Australians aged 16 years or over.
Data for this measure are collected via use of a friend verbal abuse scenario where respondents are asked to imagine they are out with some friends and a male friend is insulting or verbally abusing a woman he is in a relationship with.
Respondents are asked a series of questions about whether or not they would be bothered by the behaviour and how they expect their friend would react if they intervened. This is proxy data only, as it only covers a particular scenario of harmful behaviour.


For some population groups, numbers may be too small to be reported on separately.

  1. Previous page Technical specifications for National Plan Outcomes
  2. Next page People who experienced family and domestic violence