People who would know where to go if they needed support for someone experiencing violence

Technical specifications for National Plan Outcomes



2.6 Sector and community capacity is developed to identify and support all people impacted by violence or at risk of violence.


Increased resources (staffing/outlets) across the sector.


Proportion of people who said they would know where to go if they needed outside support for someone experiencing domestic violence.


An increase in the proportion of people who said they would know where to seek support will indicate a better community understanding of how to get help when domestic violence occurs. 
This measure provides additional context about community understanding and complements data on increased bystander willingness to intervene, increased confidence to report violence, and increased satisfaction in the responses taken when violence has occurred. It also complements data on community understanding of violence more broadly, including knowledge of the gendered drivers and behaviours that constitute violence.

Baseline data



The number of respondents who said they would know where to go if they needed outside support for someone experiencing domestic violence.

Numerator data elements

Data element: Person—know where to get support
Data source: NCAS
Data source type: Survey


The number of respondents aged 16 years and over.

Denominator data elements

Data element: Person
Data source: NCAS
Data source type: Survey

Computation description

This measure is expressed as the number of people who said they would know where to go if they needed outside support for someone experiencing domestic violence, expressed as a proportion of respondents.


100 x (Numerator/Denominator)


For each reference period, nationally, by: 

  • state and territory
  • gender 
  • age
  • sexuality
  • disability status
  • remoteness.

The NCAS sample consists of Australians aged 16 years or over.
The NCAS asks respondents if they would know where to get outside advice or support for someone about domestic violence. This question was not part of any scale. Responses were given as ‘strongly agree’, ‘somewhat agree’, ‘neither agree or disagree’, ‘somewhat disagree’, ‘strongly disagree’ or ‘unsure’. The number of people who responded ‘strongly agree’ or ‘somewhat agree’ are combined to estimate the number of people who know where to seek help.


Data for this measure may be difficult to interpret. For example, it is possible that a person does not immediately know where to go if they needed outside support for someone experiencing domestic violence, but they are confident they could find out this information quickly via internet search platforms. 
For some population groups, numbers may be too small to be reported on separately.

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