Women who are home alone after dark and feel safe

Technical specifications for National Plan Outcomes



3.4 Gender equality, positive relationships, and positive masculinities are promoted across the community including in faith-based, sporting, entertainment, educational institutions, digital spaces, the arts, and media organisations.


Increased general feelings of safety.


Proportion of women who were home alone after dark and felt safe.


An increase in general feelings of safety across the community would indicate a greater perception that prevention initiatives are effective in keeping people and communities safe.

Baseline data



The number of women who were home alone after dark in the last 12 months and felt safe.

Numerator data elements

Data element: Person—feelings of safety
Data source: ABS PSS
Data source type: Survey


The number of women who were home alone after dark in the last 12 months.

Denominator data elements

Data element : Person
Data source: ABS PSS
Data source type: Survey

Computation description

This measure is the number of women who said they felt safe home alone after dark in the last 12 months expressed as a proportion of all women.


100 x (Numerator/Denominator)


For each reference period, nationally, by: 

  • state and territory
  • age
  • country of birth
  • disability status
  • sexual orientation
  • remoteness.

'Alone' meant the person did not have anyone else with them. However, if a person was at home with a young child, they may have felt as if they were alone and therefore were treated as such.
Statistics will not be reported if they have a high relative standard error and are considered too unreliable to measure changes over time.


For some population groups, numbers may be too small to be reported on separately.  
Where the RSE for numbers and estimates is between 25% and 50%, this will be indicated in the data visualisation and any accompanying data tables. Where the RSE is greater than 50%, the data will not be published.


Source name ABS Personal Safety Survey
  1. Previous page Women who walk alone in their local area after dark and feel safe
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