Duration of treatment
In 2022–23:
- Around 3 in 4 treatment episodes ended within 3 months, both for clients who received treatment for their own alcohol or drug use (77% or 124,610) and for someone else’s alcohol or drug use (79% or 14,434) (Table Ov.9).
- The median duration of treatment episodes was 4 weeks (28 days) for clients’ own alcohol or drug use and almost 3 weeks (19 days) for clients who received support for someone else’s alcohol or drug use (Table Ov.10).
- For clients’ own alcohol or drug use, counselling had the longest median duration (66 days), while assessment only had the shortest (3 days) (Figure DURATION 1) (Table Ov.11).
Over the 10 years to 2022–23:
- Treatment episodes ending within 3 months has remained the most common duration for client’s own alcohol or drug use (77% or 124,610).
- For clients’ own alcohol or drug use, the median duration of treatment episodes fluctuated, from a low of 16 days in 2015–16, to a high of 29 days in 2021–22 before falling slightly to 28 days in 2022–23:
- These trends were driven primarily by changes in the duration of support and case management episodes.
- The median duration of counselling has increased from 55 days to 66 days over this period (Figure DURATION 1).
- For clients who received support for someone else’s alcohol or drug use, the median duration fluctuated more widely, rising from a low of 14 days in 2018–19 to a high of 37 days in 2020–21, falling to 19 days in 2022–23 (tables Trt.12, Ov.11). This fluctuation was driven primarily by decreases in support and case management treatment duration.
Figure DURATION 1: Median duration of treatment episodes, by client type and main treatment type, 2013–14 to 2022–23
The line graph shows that the median duration of treatment episodes provided to all clients was longest for episodes with counselling as the main treatment type across most years between 2013–14 and 2022–23. In 2022–23, counselling episodes had a median duration of 67 days, compared with 43 days for rehabilitation and 44 days for ‘other’ main treatment types. A filter allows the user to view data for all clients, clients seeking treatment for their own drug use or clients seeking treatment for someone else’s drug use.