Proportion of adults who are daily smokers
Definition: Adults (aged 18 and over) who smoke tobacco every day.
Source: AIHW 2017c; Table S1.4.13.
- In 2014–15, 14.5% of people aged 18 and over smoked daily (16.9% of men and 12.1% of women).
- Age-standardised daily smoking rates fell from 25.6% in 1989-90 to 14.7% in 2014–15. Over the same period, the age-standardised daily smoking rate for men fell from 27.4% to 17.0%, and the rate for women fell from 23.8% to 12.4%.
- Among people aged 18–24, 12.8% of men and 15.1% of women were daily smokers in 2014–15 (an overall rate of 14.2% for this age group).
- More than one-fifth (21.3%) of people living in the lowest socioeconomic areas were daily smokers in 2014–15. Of people living in the highest socioeconomic areas, 7.8% were daily smokers.
For more information, see Chapter 4.5 'Tobacco smoking'.