Educational attainment
Definition: The proportion of people aged 25–64 with a non-school qualification (diploma, certificate or degree).
Note: From 2013, persons permanently unable to work were included in the scope of the Survey of Education and Work, and re-based estimated resident population data were used from 2014. These factors may affect the comparison of data over time.
Sources: ABS 2011a, 2012d, 2013f, 2015c, 2016d, 2017c; Table S1.4.22.
- More than two-thirds (69%) of people aged 25–64 had a non-school qualification in 2017, an increase from 53% in 2001.
- While more men (70%) than women (68%) had a non-school qualification in 2017, the gender gap narrowed between 2001 and 2017; 58% of men and 49% of women had a non-school qualification in 2001.
- In 2017, 75% of people aged 25–34 and 74% of people aged 35–44 had a non-school qualification. The proportion of older people with a non-school qualification was noticeably lower, at 66% for people aged 45–54 and 59% for people aged 55–64.
- The proportion of people with a non-school qualification decreased with increasing remoteness. Of people living in Major cities, 71% had a non-school qualification. This decreased to 64% for people living in Inner regional areas, and 60% for people living in Outer regional areas or in Remote and Very remote areas.
For more information, see Chapter 4.2 'Social determinants of health'.