Hospitalisation for injury and poisoning
Definition: The number of hospitalised injury cases with a principal diagnosis of injury or poisoning. This is presented as a number per 100,000 population (age standardised).
Source: National Hospital Morbidity Database; Table S1.4.5.
- In 2015–16, there were an estimated 509,900 hospitalised cases for injury and poisoning.
- The age-standardised rate of injury and poisoning was 2,043 cases per 100,000 people in 2015–16. This was an increase of 18% from 1999–00 (1,732 cases per 100,000 people).
- Overall, the age-standardised rate of hospitalised cases for injury and poisoning per 100,000 people was higher for males (2,361) than females (1,706).
- Rates of hospitalised cases for injury and poisoning increased substantially with age from the age of 75 and over. People aged 95 and over had the highest rates of hospitalisations for injury and poisoning (17,498 cases per 100,000 people).
- Hospitalisation cases for injury and poisoning increased with remoteness of a person’s usual residence, with the age-standardised rate highest in Very remote areas (4,181 cases per 100,000 people) and lowest in Major cities (1,908 cases per 100,000).
- Indigenous Australians were twice as likely as Other Australians to be hospitalised for injury and poisoning (3,913 and 1,961 cases per 100,000 respectively, after adjusting for age).
For more information, see Chapter 3.15 'Injury'.