Goal 3: Reduce the occurrence of diabetes-related complications & improve quality of life

Goal 3 of the Strategy focusses on reducing the occurrence of complications and improving the quality of life of those living with diabetes.

Eighteen indicators were identified in the Implementation Plan for Goal 3.

People with diabetes who achieve target levels of HbA1c, albuminuria, cholesterol or blood pressure:

3.1 People with diabetes who achieve the target level for blood pressure

3.2 People with diabetes who achieve target levels for cholesterol

3.3 People with diabetes who achieve the target level for HbA1c / Effective management of diabetes

People with diabetes undertaking regular assessment for complications:

3.4 People with diabetes who had an HbA1c test in the last 12 months

People with diabetes complications:

3.5 Prevalence of treated end-stage kidney disease among people with diabetes

3.6 Prevalence of vision loss caused by diabetes

3.7 Prevalence of cardiovascular disease among people with diabetes

3.8 Diabetes hospitalisations by type of diabetes

3.9 Hospitalisation for end-stage renal disease as the principal diagnosis with diabetes as an additional diagnosis

3.10 Hospitalisation for coronary heart disease or stroke as the principal diagnosis with diabetes as an additional diagnosis

3.11 Hospitalisation for ophthalmic conditions with type 2 diabetes as a principal diagnosis

3.12 Hospitalisation for lower limb amputation with type 2 diabetes as a principal or additional diagnosis

3.13 Hospitalisation for other complications with type 2 diabetes as a principal diagnosis

3.14 Deaths from diabetes

3.15 Death rates for coronary heart disease and stroke among people with diabetes

Other indicators not related to potential measures of progress:

3.16 People with diabetes who achieve the target level for weight / Body Mass Index

3.17 People with diabetes who have attended a diabetes educator

3.18 Quality of life of people with diabetes

Refer to the glossary for an explanation of terms.