Indicator 3.17 People with diabetes who have attended a diabetes educator


Data for this indicator are not available for update—baseline results reported.


In 2014–15, 24% of Australian adults with diabetes had attended a diabetes educator in the past 12 months, based on self-reported data from the National Health Survey.


Between 2007–08 and 2011–12, the age-standardised proportion of adults with self-reported diabetes who had attended a diabetes educator decreased from 31% to 19%, before increasing to 28% in 2014–15 (Figure 3.17.1).

Age and sex

After adjusting for age, the proportion of men and women with diabetes who had attended a diabetes educator was similar (28%).

The proportion of adults with diabetes who had attended a diabetes educator was similar across the age groups (Figure 3.17.1).

Population groups

The proportion of adults with self-reported diabetes who attended a diabetes educator was higher in Outer regional/Remote areas (38%) compared with Major cities (20%) and Inner regional areas (26%). Age standardised proportions were similar across socioeconomic areas (Figure 3.17.2).

Explore the data

3.17 People with diabetes who attended a diabetes educator, by age group and sex, 2007–08 to 2014–15 and by selected population group, 2014–15

Trends figure 3.17.1 shows the decrease of people who attended a diabetes educator between 2007-08 and 2011-12, from 31% to 19%. Proportions were similar among men (33%) and women (31%) in 2007-08, with both increasing to 28% in 2014-15.

Population group figure 3.17.2 shows around 30% of adults aged 18-44 and 45–54 and 17% of adults aged 75+ attended a diabetes educator in 2014-15. The proportion of adults who attended a diabetes educator increased slightly with increasing remoteness. Proportions were highest in Outer regional and remote areas (38%), followed by Inner regional (26%) and Major cities (20%). Proportions increased with the level of socioeconomic disadvantage. Among states and territories, 37% of adults in Tasmania with diabetes visited a diabetes educator compared to 14% of adults with diabetes in Western Australia.

Visualisation not available for printing

Indicator 3.17 data specifications



Data source


Estimated number of adults (18+) with self-reported diabetes who reported attending a 'diabetes educator' in the previous 12 months.

ABS 2016; ABS 2013; ABS 2009


Estimated adults (18+ years) with self-reported diabetes.

ABS 2016; ABS 2013; ABS 2009


Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) 2009. Microdata: National Health Survey, 2007–08. ABS cat. no. 4324.0.55.001. Findings based on Expanded Confidentialised Unit Record File analysis. Canberra: ABS.

ABS 2013. Microdata: Australian Health Survey, National Health Survey, 2011–12. ABS cat. no. 4324.0.55.001. Findings based on Detailed Microdata analysis. Canberra: ABS.

ABS 2016. Microdata: National Health Survey, 2014–15. ABS cat. no. 4324.0.55.001. Findings based on Detailed Microdata analysis. Canberra: ABS.