Workforce and outreach
The size and location of the eye health workforce gives a broad indication of access to specialist and allied eye health services. Outreach services funded by the Australian government aim to improve access to services for people living in rural, regional and remote areas where these services are not readily available.
Measure 4.1
The number and full time equivalent rate (FTE) of optometrists
Measure 4.2
The number and full time equivalent rate (FTE) of ophthalmologists
Measure 4.3
The number and full time equivalent rate (FTE) of allied ophthalmic personnel
Measure 4.4.1
Occasions of service under the Visiting Optometrists Scheme
Measure 4.4.2
Occasions of service with eye health professionals under the Rural Health Outreach Fund
Measure 4.4.3
Occasions of service with eye health professionals under the Medical Outreach Indigenous Chronic Diseases Program
Measure 4.4.4
Occasions of service with eye health professionals under all the outreach programs combined
Measure 4.4.5
Occasions of service with eye health professionals under the Eye and Ear Surgical Support Program