Has the difference in digital inclusion between people with disability and the Australian population decreased over time?
The data in the graph and the table below show the digital inclusion of people with disability (aged 18 and over) compared with the Australian population. Data from 2020 to 2022 are used. The score difference in digital inclusion between people with disability and the Australian population was 11.7 in 2022 and 12.6 in 2020.
Australian Digital Inclusion Index (ADII)
Data source overview
Population groups
How this measure varies by…
Does the difference in digital inclusion between people with disability and the Australian population vary by gender?
The data in the graph and the table below show the difference in digital inclusion between people with disability (aged 18 and over) and the Australian population, for males and females. In 2022, the score difference in digital inclusion between people with disability and the Australian population was 12.0 for males and 12.0 for females.
Source: Australian Digital Inclusion Index (ADII) | Data source overview
Does the difference in digital inclusion between people with disability and the Australian population vary by age?
The data in the graph and the table below show the difference in digital inclusion between people with disability (aged 18 and over) and the Australian population, grouped by age. In 2022, in the 55–64 age group, the score difference in digital inclusion between people with disability and the Australian population was 12.6, and 3.2 in the 18–44 age group.
Source: Australian Digital Inclusion Index (ADII) | Data source overview
Does the difference in digital inclusion between people with disability and the Australian population vary by language background?
The data in the graph and the table below show the difference in digital inclusion between people with disability (aged 18 and over) and the Australian population, by language background. In 2022, for people with a language background other than English (LOTE), the score difference in digital inclusion between people with disability and the Australian population was 16.8. It was 10.4 for people with a non-LOTE background.
Source: Australian Digital Inclusion Index (ADII) | Data source overview
Does the difference in digital inclusion between people with disability and the Australian population vary by remoteness?
The data in the graph and the table below show the difference in digital inclusion between people with disability (aged 18 and over) and the Australian population, grouped by remoteness. In 2022, in metro areas, the score difference in digital inclusion between people with disability and the Australian population was 12.1, and 10.0 in regional areas.
Source: Australian Digital Inclusion Index (ADII) | Data source overview
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