Digital inclusion gap Data dictionary


Outcome area Inclusive homes and communities
Priority Information and communication systems accessibility

Difference in digital inclusion between people with disability and the Australian population1.

Most recent data


Baseline data



Australian residents aged 18 and over.


Australian Digital Inclusion Index (ADII) score for the Australian population minus ADII score for people with disability.

Computation description

The difference between the ADII score of people with disability aged 18 and over and the ADII score for the Australian population aged 18 and over.


(ADII score for the Australian population – ADII score for people with disability)

  1. The Strategy was set to see the following tracked – Proportional difference in digital inclusion between people with disability and the Australian population. Measure wording has been revised to clarify its intent. This revised measure reports the difference in the ADII score between people with disability and the Australian population, rather than the proportional difference between the two populations.
  2. The ADII has three dimensions for measuring personal levels of digital inclusion (Access, Affordability and Digital Ability).
  3. Individual Index dimensions are equally weighted in the construction of the total Index to derive an overall score from 0–100.
  4. People with ADII scores of 45 or below are considered highly excluded; those with scores above 45 and below 61 are considered excluded; those with scores of 61 to below 80 are considered included; and, those with scores of 80 and above are considered highly included.


Measure Digital inclusion gap
  1. Previous page Public transport usability