Feel represented in leadership Data dictionary


Outcome area Community attitudes
Priority People with disability in leadership roles

Proportion of people with disability who report feeling represented in leadership roles.

Most recent data


Baseline data



People with disability aged 18 and over.


Number of people with disability (weighted) who responded 'Yes' to 'Do you feel that people with disability are well represented in leadership roles?'.


Number of people with disability (weighted) who responded 'Yes' or 'No' to 'Do you feel that people with disability are well represented in leadership roles?'.

Computation description

Number of people with disability (weighted) who responded 'Yes' to 'Do you feel that people with disability are well represented in leadership roles?', divided by the number of people with disability (weighted) who responded 'Yes' or 'No' to 'Do you feel that people with disability are well represented in leadership roles?'.

Expressed as a weighted average of percentage of positive responses.


100% × (Numerator ÷ Denominator)


People with disability who skipped the question, or responded 'Not sure' or 'Prefer not to answer' were excluded from the calculation.

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