Higher education completion Data dictionary


Outcome area Education and learning
Priority Participation in tertiary education

Proportion of students with disability who complete a higher education qualification.

Most recent data


Baseline data



Domestic students with disability in higher education award courses.


The number of domestic students with disability in higher education award courses who complete their qualification.


The number of domestic students with disability in higher education award courses.

Computation description

The number of domestic students with disability in higher education award courses who complete their qualification, divided by the number of domestic students with disability in higher education award courses.

Expressed as a percentage.


100 × (Numerator ÷ Denominator)

  1. The measure reports 6-year completion rates for commencing students in a given year who completed their study within a 6-year period. For example, cohort 2017–2022 are students commencing in 2017 who completed their study in any year between 2017 and 2022. The data download tables also report 9-year completion rates for commencing students in a given year who completed their study within a 9-year period.
  2. Includes domestic onshore students aged 15 and over only.
  3. Includes Table A (Public universities) and Table B (Private universities that receive Commonwealth assistance) providers only.
  4. The data collection method for Higher Education student data changed in 2020, including changes to detailed disability categories.
  5. From July 2024 release, small discrepancies with previous releases are due to the adoption of new student ID concordances, exclusion of students with an 'unknown' citizenship, and revision of the methodology in calculating completion rates.


Measure Higher education completion
  1. Previous page VET completion