NDIS participants in full award wage employment Data dictionary


Outcome area Employment and financial security
Priority Economic participation

Proportion of NDIS participants aged 15–64 in the labour force who are in open employment at full award wage.

Most recent data

2023–24, March quarter

Baseline data

2021–22, December quarter


NDIS participants, aged 15–64, who are employed or unemployed.


NDIS participants, aged 15–64, who are employed in open employment at full award wage.


NDIS participants, aged 15–64, who are employed or unemployed.

Computation description

NDIS participants, aged 15–64, who are employed in open employment at full award wage, divided by NDIS participants, aged 15–64, who are employed or unemployed.

Expressed as a percentage.


100 x (Numerator ÷ Denominator)

  1. Denominator includes participants who answer either 'Yes' or 'No, but I would like one' to 'Are you currently working in a paid job?'.
  2. Numerator includes participants who answer either 'Yes' or 'No, but I would like one' to 'Are you currently working in a paid job?', and answer 'Open employment market with full award wages' to 'What type of employment is it?'. Hence the numerator excludes participants who answer 'Self-employed' to 'What type of employment is it?'. It also excludes participants answering, 'Australian apprenticeship' or 'Other' (as well as those in the Supported Wage System and Australian Disability Enterprises).
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