Average time waited for social housing Data dictionary


Outcome area Inclusive homes and communities
Priority Housing affordability/stress

Average time waited by newly allocated households with a member with disability in public housing or SOMIH1.

Most recent data


Baseline data



Households that have a member with disability who apply for social housing.


Total time waited by newly allocated households with a member with disability in public housing or state owned and managed Indigenous housing (SOMIH).


Number of households with a member with disability who have been newly allocated housing in the public housing or the SOMIH programs.

Computation description

Average time waited for allocation of social housing from initial date of application by households that have a member with disability (where application date and disability status are known).


Sum (time waited) ÷ number of households

  1. The Strategy would like to see the following tracked – Average time waited for social housing for people with disability. Available data do not allow the exact measure listed by the Strategy to be tracked. Currently an alternative measure is reported. Data on community housing or Indigenous community housing, which are also included in the concept of ‘social housing’, are not included in this alternative measure as wait list data for these programs are not available.
  2. 'Newly allocated households' are those households that commenced receiving housing assistance for the relevant program during the reference year.
  3. Disability is self-reported in the data source and is likely to under-report the true level of disability in public housing and SOMIH households.
  4. Excludes households where time was not known.
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