Lower income housing stress Data dictionary


Outcome area Inclusive homes and communities
Priority Housing affordability/stress

Proportion of households with at least one person with disability in lowest 40% income whose housing costs exceed 30% of household income.

Most recent data


Baseline data



Households that have at least one person with disability or a long-term health condition in the lowest 40% income.


Number of households with at least one person with disability in lowest 40% income whose housing costs exceed 30% of household income.


Number of households with at least one person with disability in lowest 40% income.

Computation description

Number of households with at least one person with disability in lowest 40% income whose housing costs exceed 30% of household income, divided by the number of households with at least one person with disability in lowest 40% income.

Expressed as a percentage.

  1. Low-income households are households with an equivalised disposable household income in the lowest 40%, excluding the lowest 2%.
  2. Data source collects disability information only for people aged 15 and over. Households are defined as households with disability if they include at least one member aged 15 and over with disability. Households coded as without disability may include one or more members aged 14 and under with disability.


Measure Lower income housing stress
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