Experience of domestic violence Data dictionary


Outcome area Safety, rights and justice
Priority Violence against women and their children

Proportion of women with disability aged 18 years and over who have experienced family or domestic violence since age 15, compared with women without disability1.

Most recent data


Baseline data



Women aged 18 and over.


Number of women aged 18 and over with and without disability or a long-term health condition who experienced physical or sexual violence or emotional abuse by a family member or current or previous partner since the age of 15.


Number of women aged 18 and over with and without disability or a long-term health condition.

Computation description

The number of women aged 18 and over with/without disability or a long-term health condition, who experienced physical violence, sexual violence, or emotional abuse by a boy-/girlfriend/date, current partner, previous partner, ex-boy-/girlfriend, mother/father, son/daughter, or other relative or in-law, since the age of 15, divided by the number of women aged 18 and over with/without disability or a long-term health condition.

Expressed as a percentage.


100 x (Numerator ÷ Denominator)

  1. The Strategy would like to see the following tracked – Proportion of females with disability 15 years and above who have experienced family or domestic violence compared with women without disability. Available data do not allow the exact measure listed by the Strategy to be tracked. The data source does not collect information from females aged 15–17, who are therefore not included in the results presented for this measure.
  2. Disability status is collected as at the time of the survey. It does not indicate whether a person had disability at the time of an incident of violence.
  3. The definition of family or domestic violence differs for 2016 and 2012 data. In 2016 data, family or domestic violence includes emotional abuse by a current partner and/or previous partner since age 15, and physical or sexual violence by a current or previous partner or a family member since age 15; family members are identified as boyfriend or girlfriend or date, current partner, previous partner, father/mother, son/daughter, brother/sister, other relative or in-law, ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend. In 2012 data, family or domestic violence includes emotional abuse by a current partner and/or previous partner since age 15, physical or sexual violence by a current or previous partner since age 15, and physical or sexual violence by a family member in the past 20 years since age 15 (restricted to most recent incident only); family members are identified as boyfriend or girlfriend or date, current partner, previous partner, family member, relative or in-law.
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